My approach

Hello, I’m Alberto Speziali, a Graphic Designer and creative thinker with a passion for developing impactful visual solutions. Based in the UK, I have extensive experience partnering with clients across various industries on projects such as branding, packaging, website design, and both digital and print media. My approach is rooted in collaboration, ensuring that each project reflects the unique identity and goals of the client.

The creative process

My approach to design is a collaborative journey, undertaken together with my clients. Each step is carefully planned to ensure our strategic decisions align with the project’s objectives.

This process unfolds in four key stages:

1 – The brief

The first step is a critical discovery phase, where we meet to discuss and understand your business. This meeting allows me to gain a deep insight into your company, its values, and its goals. Together, we’ll define the project’s objectives, timelines, and budget, setting the foundation for our work.

2 – Research & Solutions

With the brief as our guide, I will conduct thorough research on competitors, market trends, and relevant styles. I’ll develop a range of creative ideas and present the strongest ones for your review. Each concept will be accompanied by a rationale, explaining the design choices. Your feedback will be invaluable in refining these ideas before moving forward.

3 – Development

In this stage, we will fine-tune the selected concept, making any necessary adjustments. I will then develop the final design, paying meticulous attention to detail to ensure it aligns perfectly with your business objectives. Your approval will mark the completion of this stage.

4 – Finishing & Delivery

The final stage is the most rewarding: bringing the design to life.
I will provide you with all the necessary files, whether for print or digital use, tailored to your specifications. I believe in building long-term relationships with my clients, so after the project launch, I’m committed to monitoring its success and exploring future opportunities for collaboration.